Where to find information? The Menu Bar on the top of our website, wcanaples.org, has the seven headings listed below. Three headings, NEWS, MEMBERS AND EVENTS, are accessible only when you are logged in to the website with your email and password. Look for the “down arrow” under the heading to also see more information in dropdown lists. When you are logged in, there are also additional topics in the dropdown lists. Text that is highlighted in blue, like "help@wcanaples.org" below, is a hyperlink that will take you directly to the referenced page.HOME - ABOUT US - Find Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), more WCA information, How to Navigate the Website, How to Contact WCA, How to Join or Renew, the Board of Directors, and an Informational Calendar. MEMBERS*Find how FAQs, how to access your profile, WCA Policies, How to Join or Renew, the Member Directory, How to Volunteer, and a History of WCA. NEWS* - Find important information, such as policy information, information about renewals, publications and WCA Canasta Rules. EVENTS*– Find upcoming events on a interactive calendar, and information and "save the dates" for special events. You can register for events directly from the calendar as well as from the newsletter! You can also access the ZOOM Library of some recorded speaker presentations, and the Ticket Exchange (for sale or wanted). GROUPS – Find all the information about groups. The Groups-Members Only page has detailed descriptions, days and times, and liaisons names to contact. Updated information for the 2024-2025 season will be added as it becomes available. MEMBERSHIP – Find how to join or renew. EXPLORE THE MENU BAR AND LEARN MORE ABOUT WCA! Questions about the website? Contact help@wcanaples.org *These three topics on the menu bar are accessible only to members when you are logged in to the website with your email and password. |